en English

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the integrated portable endoscope camera system?

Table of Contents

First, Let’s talk about the advantages of the integrated camera system.

1. All-in-one

As we know, a basic endoscope system includes an HD endoscope camera, a medical monitor, a light source, and a recording device, these machines need an endoscopy tower to place all of them.

But The integrated endoscope system integrates the HD endoscope camera, display screen, light source, and video recording device into a compact chassis, which will save a lot of space. One is that it can be very easily moved so that it is not limited by space. Second, the endoscope can be rotated in any direction, these movements are not easy to do with a traditional endoscope camera and monitor fixed on a tower.

2. Portable, Easy to Carry

Large-size all-in-one machines, such as monitors sizes over 20 inches, can be placed in the operating room. The operating room will become very simple. There will not have so many connection cables, just one power cord, and a light cable.

Medium-sized all-in-one machines such as 15-20 inch models can be placed in the clinic or small operating room.

Small all-in-one machines, such as models under 11 inches, and usually come with a carry case, can even be carried around, because the weight is very light, weighing only 4kg, and doctors can take the endoscope system to visit the patients (this was unimaginable in the past). And that it helps to see the inside of a patient’s body in a very short time and with a minimum effort, like doing an ENT inspection or other diagnostics.

3. Save cost

The cost of a separate endoscope system tower is very high because you need to buy 4 machines. But the total cost of an all-in-one endoscope camera system may only is one-half or one-third or even lower.

4. Performance

Someone may not sure of the performance of all-in-one machine, actually, the display performance is almost the same as a traditional endoscope system. For example, the resolution is sometimes even much better than traditional. Also, it also has very strong anti-electromagnetic interference ability. As we tested, the display performance will not be affected by any energy operating instruments, such as bipolar forceps, ultrasonic scalpels, etc.

So, does all-in-one machine has any disadvantages?

Yes, it has one problem. Time of Repair.

When a machine, such as a light source has a problem, the traditional endoscope system just needs to change one light source and repair the old one. The whole system will be back to work in a very short time.

But if one of the parts of the all-in-one machine has a problem, this system may have to stop working and has to wait for repair. Fortunately, our all-in-one machine is very solid, normally, it may only need to change a fuse.

Okay. In summary, I guess you already know how to choose a suitable endoscope camera system.


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